Thursday, November 25, 2010

Should We Celebrate?

Watch the top video posted on the video bar.  Then respond to the following:  What is the connection between this talk and Thanksgiving?  Based on what the speaker Aaron Huey explains, what are we celebrating on Thanksgiving day?  Should we celebrate?  We don't usually think of Native Americans as prisoners of war.   Why does Aaron Huey rename reservations as Prisoner of War Camps?  Based on what he said and what you see in his photographs, is that an accurate term to describe Native peoples and the reservations they live in?


  1. we are celebrating a massive massacre and how the usa viloated the treaties,killed all the buffalo and killed a whole group of people because they were getting tired of there "ghost dances".i dont believe thats something we should celebrate because like he said its none of our buisness what they do with there land its theres and we need to give it back. they are being prisoners of war camp the living conditions there is sad and its all because of the greedy need of americans.

  2. Wow this makes me feel like we shouldn't celebrate Thanksgiving the way we do having dinner with our families like if it's some kind if party. Indigenous people were going through big massacres and unfair times. Why should we own something that we took away unfairly. Maybe if we would have never took those black hills away our map will look way different.Like Stacy and Aaron say lets give back something that we do not own. On Thanksgiving lets make greeting cards for those people that went through a lot of injustices in the 1800's. We should make a change and rewrite and remember hoe our histoyr really did happen.

  3. On thanksgiving we celebrate the massacre of the thousands of indigenious people. That being said i don't think that we should celebrate Thanksgiving. Aaron Huey renames the Native Americans as POWs because they had to fight against the united states' army and even when a peace treaty was called the united states did not follow the rules set up by those treaties. With the photographs that he presented i believe that those conditions that people are living in can accurately describe what Native Americans go through now, and if we make a connection to the conditions that they live in with the conditions that we live in then we can see some similarities between the two.

  4. The connection is suppose to be how the americans and the native joined at the peak of war. Thanksgiving is really celebrated for what the americans did to the natives, witch was rape and kill. We should not celebrate thanksgiving, how can we celebrate somehting so crual. Huey named the native POW because they are basicly refugees trying to protect themselfs from the harsh americans trying to push death upon them. Yes POW is a perfect term.

  5. Yes stacy we are celebrating a huge killing of the native. Its stupid because basicly we are celebrating our own downfall

  6. I was SHOCKED when I watched the video, I learned that thousands of indigenious people were murdered, and had there lands taken from them. Watching this video it makes me realize we shouldn't celebrate Thanksgiving as a day of no school, wake up early just to prepare turkey and ham etc. We should instead do something to help others as a symbol of helping those indigenious

  7. I agree with stacy and joseph us celebrating Thanksgiving is just us celebrating the day our land and our lifes were stolen from us. The day we get back what is truly 100% us then we can celebrate a real Thanksgiving.

  8. I don't think we should be celebrating Thanks Giving because on that day we are celebrating a massive massacres of indigenous people who were treated very unfair. The Americans took over the black hills,if they wouldn't have taken over our map would look very different today. I believe that we should give them back something that doesn't belong to us. All western Indians at that point in time were considered prisoners of war. I wonder why? Aaron renames the natives as POWs just because they had to fight against the U.S army.I don't think this is fair!

  9. I agree with Noemi because instead of eating/preparing turkey, ham and etc. on Thanks Gving we should be doing something that will actually help those indigenious people.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This video really opened my eyes, i didn't see that this tragedy is what we American's are really celebrating on thanksgiving. According to Aaron Huey we are greedy American's, whom only thought of what benefitted us, taking away the Indigenous people's land and resources even when they had won the war. Thanksgiving is suppose to be a day where were celebrating the coming together of Indigenous people as one. Thanksgiving shouldn't be celebrated, what are we thankful for? If what we have is what we've taken away. We're celebrating the freedom taken from these people. We should place the Indigenous people first in our tankful list. Aaron names the reservations prisoners of war because the Indeginous people are left to fight against there ownself on there daily life's. There in the needs of what we have. They should have royalty not the whites, The Indigenous are the main land owners. They are prisoners of are, i agree.

  12. Based On What Aaron Huey Stated In The Video On Thanksgiving We Are Celebrating A Massive Massacre Of Indigenous People & Suffering Of Indigenous People. Me Personally I Think That We Shouldn't Celebrate Thanksgiving Because Were Celebrating A Cruel Time Of Event Of Are Own People. Aaron Huey Renames The Native Americans as POWs Because They Had To Fight Against The United States' Army.

  13. I Agree With Noemi That We Should Do Something Diffrent For Thanksgiving Instead Of Getting Up Early And Cooking Turkey And Inviting Family And Friends Over ETC. Instead For Thanksgiving We Should Show Other People What Were Really Celebrating On Thanksgiving.

  14. I also agree with Noemi. Why should we celebrate a something bad that happened to out people. We should do something different like actually giving thanks for thing we have.

  15. When our families celebrate Thanksgiving, they dont know that we celebrate the extermination of our ancestors and the native americans and for those who do know they know that we are not responsible but that the americans are. Personally I think that we shoudnt celebrate it, but I remember that to my family it means to give thanks that we still have each other not the destruction of our ancestors. On a different subject I think that the way the native americans (or at least whats left of them) is unfair, they way they are dehumanized by the United States, they live in horrible conditions were they have no jobs, poor education,etc. This is what they americans left them, the so called "Reservations", Arron Huey is right to call the people that live there POW's because they do live like prisoners.

  16. I kept thinking, pondering, and wondering for a while now. Why? One of the traditions celebrated in the USA is one of the worst to celebrate. Thanksgiving, oh how we try to give thanks or just eat turkey. But, really. If you knew the truth, then you wouldn't want to celebrate the many deaths of our peoples' ancestors would you? Well, this is one of the themes we should learn of Takes-thiving (Thanksgiving): Be careful, there's just too much to watch out for. I've decided that people shouldn't celebrate Thanksgiving instead, try to better the community. During Huey's talk America's native prisoners of war, he expresses how Natives have suffered for the rich man's desires. Natives of America have long suffered the oppression and direction of the US superiors (Chain of Command). They are Prisoners of WAR, living in reservations a.k.a. POW Camps. As Huey states, "Prisoners are still born into prisoner of war camps, long after the guards are gone" (12:51-57). You would mostly find his definition of POW Natives in minutes 4:47 through 5:04. Basically, Natives of America are trapped and terrorized. The pictures shown through the vid really would show Native Americans' lives. Yet, who am I to judge? I never been through their paths, and I won't always go with the same experiences they had...

  17. Based on what he said and what you see in his photographs, is that an accurate term to describe Native peoples and the reservations they live in?
    Thanksgiving is a celebration it is cool to me we won we took the land sorry its hard out here i might not be here if america wasnt gudda. We are celebrating use taking the the land of the indains im not gone lie it bad but thats happens in life if the world if the world was so far a lot of poeple wouldnt be here right now. no we shouldnt celebrate. the conditions they live in make them look like prisoners them living in something worse than a prison most of them dont even have homes. no i dont think its okay for him to call them tha b/c thats they way of life.

  18. I was really shocked when i watched this video. We are not celebrating the deaths of thousands of native americans we are celebrating the death of millions of native americans. It shows how the U.S. is so cruel and greedy. I We should not celebrate thanksgiving if we know millions of native americans were killed. I think native americans are Prisoners of war. If you see their living conditions they are bad.

  19. I disagree with Kardaryl because the U.S. didn't win their land they stole it.

  20. i agree with kaybee because America wouldnt be what it is to day if it wasnt for this event,but at the same time its wrong for us to celibrate the stealing of our ancesters land.. .

    o yea i almost forgot kaybee they were not indians they were native americans
