Sunday, February 6, 2011

Maestra Coffey's Critical Literacy Blog: In Support of Women or Just More Patriarchy?

Critical or Just More Patriarchy

Using the link provided to you below, watch the video Kardaryl recommended to the class by Timothy de la Getto.  As you watch, think about the following questions and answer them in your post:
1) How is he addressing the effects of patriarchy in his rap?
2) How does he also reinforce patriarchy?  What are the limits or short-comings of his argument?
3) Why does he put it all on young women and our individual choices to believe the media?  Do you agree with this, or disagree with it?  Who is more responsible for the damage that media does to young women's self-esteem, the media, or young women?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Who has it harder in society?  Men or women?  Explain your thinking using specific examples.